
Country Based Payments for WooCommerce

Choose which payment gateway will be available in country/countries.
עודכן לאחרונה
January 26, 2024
התקנות פעילות
Country Based Payments for WooCommerce

This plugin gives you option to choose which payment gateway will be available in certain country, or countries.

If you need to have certain payment gateway to be available in all countries, don't set option for it.

This WooCommerce addon is compatible with: * WooCommerce 8.5.2

NOTE: Backup your website before updating the plugin. Try to test a new version of the plugin on the staging server before using the plugin on a live site. This plugin comes as is; there's no guarantee that it will work with all payment gateways available. I don't have access to the premium version of payment gateways, and I haven't tested this plugin with all payment gateways. Known payment gateways that this plugin does not work with: 1. Amazon Payments 2. PayPal Checkout

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