
Responsive Popup for YouTube & Vimeo

This plugin generates a hyperlink through the shortcode. When that link is clicked, the given video (depends upon configuration) will be displayed in …
עודכן לאחרונה
March 19, 2018
Responsive Popup for YouTube & Vimeo

This plugin generates a hyperlink through the shortcode. When that link is clicked, the given video (depends upon configuration) will be displayed in a responsive popup dialog box.

How to use it Examples:

Youtube [vk-videopopup src="youtube" id="EqPtz5qN7HM" text="Play hotel California"]

Vimeo [vk-videopopup src="vimeo" id="187625966" text="Click to Play Pharrell williams happy"]

text attribute is not mandatory and other two attributes must be specified otherwise popup will not work.

for the source (src): you have only 2 properties: Youtube or Vimeo

for id: you should get the video id from Youtube or Vimeo

See the Demo on

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