
Uncomplicated SEO

Uncomplicated SEO allows you to easily add the most wanted SEO attributes to your WordPress site.
עודכן לאחרונה
October 24, 2017
התקנות פעילות
Uncomplicated SEO

Uncomplicated SEO allows you to easily add the most wanted SEO attributes to your WordPress site, like Open Graph meta tags used for Facebook and many other web services, Twitter Card, description and author metatags, canonical link, etc..

Social sharing buttons can also be added to every post.

It also easily allows you to add the necesary tags to validate your website with Google Webmaster Tools, Google Plus and Bing Webmaster Tools, and insert scripts/links in header and body (you can use that for Google Anaylitics script).

It also allows you to add a custom description (used for the respective metatags) to every post and page, directly in the Post/Page Edit Screen.

In a simple formular, you can:

  • Configure and add metatags
  • Configure and add Open Graph metatags
  • Configure and add Twitter Card metatags
  • Add social sharing buttons to your post
  • Introduce the code for the Google and Bing validations metatags
  • Insert scripts/links in header and body (For Google Analytics and any other)
  • Add a favicon
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