Show a Tiny URL for all of your blog posts and optionally for pages
עודכן לאחרונה
March 18, 2013
התקנות פעילות

This plugin shows Tiny URL for each of your blog posts after post content. Tiny URLs are great for sharing your posts on micro-blogging sites like twitter, etc., This plugin sends the URL of current post or page to and gets a Tiny URL for the same. Then it shows that Tiny URL after post content. User can just click on the box to select URL, or click on Copy button to Copy the Tiny URL to clipboard. You can also show Tiny URL for pages by selecting Show Tiny URL on pages option in plugin settings page.

Note: Please read TinyURL's terms of use before activating the plugin. You must abide by them after activating the plugin. TinyURL is a trademark of TinyURL, LLC

Demo: See demo of this plugin here – Tiny URL WordPress plugin demo

Support: Please post your support questions at Tiny URL plugin support forum

Visit this page for more WordPress Plugins from the developer.

How to style the output?

The output of this plugin is wrapped in <p> tag. Use .tiny-url CSS class to style it Example,

.tiny-url { color: #FF0000; }

How to change the style of Copy button?

Use CSS class .tiny-url-button to change it's style. Example:

.tiny-url-button { background: #123456; color: #654321; }
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