With Avengers Theme Options plugin you can easily manage your custom theme options such as social media links and Google Analytics code, Google Tag Ma …
עודכן לאחרונה
November 14, 2022
התקנות פעילות

The plugin adds an admin interface where you can manage custom theme options.

  • Add google analytics code
  • Add google tag manager code
  • Add Facebook Pixel code
  • Add any code to header.php and footer.php
  • Add social media links (Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, etc…)

The “Avengers Theme Options” page includes easy to use instructions and sample code. You can use the social media link as php code within your template files or as shortcode within the editor and your existing widgets.


Please submit your support requests through the WordPress forums for Avengers Theme Options.

For any additional requests or suggestions, please contact me directly at itechavengers@gmail.com

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