
Task Runner

I have created a task runner for WordPress that can be used to automate tasks to one click. This is a
עודכן לאחרונה
April 11, 2020
Task Runner

I have created a task runner for WordPress that can be used to automate tasks to one click. This is a powerful plugin that allows the full control of WordPress from an easy intuitive scripting language. All available inside your WordPress admin area.

Currently this plugin is in an unofficial beta mode, but it is rather stable and does an impressive job.

What will this plugin do for you?

  • Create command scripts with a very easy english sentence structure.
  • Built-in easy to view console and progress bar so you can track running tasks.
  • Save, export, import, create and delete your scripts.
  • Task builder for easy inserting of new commands.
  • Syntax Highlighting so you know your commands are right.
  • Web Disrupt core installation provided as a script, more to come…

What Commands are available

  • Install, activate, and delete a local or remote WordPress theme.
  • Install, activate, deactivate, and delete WordPress plugins.
  • Add or update options in WordPress settings and post meta data.
  • If, and, or, else, and elseif have been added for the formation of conditional statements.
  • isSSL which checks if the current url is https or http.
  • Variables to save data and curly brace binding to reuse the {{variables}}.
  • Create and update WordPress posts.
  • Console commands to print out important information to the user.

In the works

  • Upgrading WordPress, its themes, and plugins
  • More Thirdparty Plugin Integrations
  • WooCommerce Add product and configure settings
  • Some One-click site buildouts.
  • One-click sales Funnel build outs via Elementor Unlimited library
  • Checking, alerting, and fixing security vulnerabilities
  • Automation triggers to run scripts.


I have created this plugin to help me facilitate the standardization of WordPress tweaking, building, best practices, and settings. To make it easy for agencies/business owners to create, update, and maintain their own WordPress websites hassle free.

This plugin needs you

As I add more features, there are way to help contribute to this product. I have created a public git repo and will be managing changes from this centeralized location. Please feel free to help me build out more integrations with thirdparty plugins, themes, and other cool features. Github Repo

More Information:

Get more information and view the documentation at: Documentation Get Involved with the Github Repo Become a Disruptor

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