Push and sync Gravity Forms file uploads to your Amazon S3 buckets.
עודכן לאחרונה
June 15, 2020
התקנות פעילות
SyncS3 Lite

SyncS3 gives Gravity Forms users the ability to push any files to any Amazon S3 bucket. When files are submitted through a form, you can send those files to any Amazon account, and any S3 bucket. Simply add your Amazon AWS credentials, chose which fields should push to S3, and save.

You can even send different file-upload fields to different accounts or buckets. SyncS3 gives you flexible control over which accounts/buckets for sending your files by controlling the settings on global, form, and field levels.

If it doesn't make sense for you to also store the files locally, you can set the files to be removed from your server after they're uploaded to S3. This helps reduce the overall disk space of your website.

SyncS3 also includes a WP CLI command for processing all entries, so you can effortlessly send all of your files from all of your form entries to your S3 buckets.

Want to know more about SyncS3? Read about SyncS3's features.

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