Snappy Concierge makes it easy for agencies and consultancies to organize ongoing change and support requests across multiple clients.
עודכן לאחרונה
May 30, 2014

Concierge makes it easy for agencies and consultancies to organize ongoing change and support requests across multiple clients. Leave your Concierge calling card on every site you deliver. Simple, Streamlined, Consistent.

The free Snappy Concierge plugin makes it easy to embed the powerful Snappy widget into WordPress for every site you deliver to clients. From there, the client has an always-open doorway to your FAQ and contact form, and you have a streamlined, organized dashboard for incoming requests.

Say goodbye to lost emails, delayed responses, and an inbox full of “unread” messages from clients. Snappy Concierge collects all your messages and support inquiries, from all your delivered sites, and brings them to you in one simple dashboard.

Note: A Snappy account is required.

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