Create an invoice or quote request form using Formidable Forms Or Formidable Forms Pro. Each form entry then creates a quote (or an invoice) using the …
עודכן לאחרונה
May 27, 2022
התקנות פעילות
Sliced Invoices & Formidable Forms

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Imagine having a form on your website that allows your visitors to basically create their own quotes and invoices!


Set up the Form

Once you have both plugins installed and activated, you simply need to create your Quote (or invoice) Request form that contains the following fields (required fields marked with an asterix):

  • Client Name*
  • Client Email*
  • Business Name
  • Business Address
  • Client Website
  • Extra Client Info
  • Order Number (only shown for invoices)
  • Title* (the invoice or quote title)
  • Description (the invoice or quote description)
  • Terms & Conditions (the invoice or quote terms)
  • Tax Rate (%) (the invoice or quote tax)
  • Due Date (only shown for invoices)
  • Valid Until Date (only shown for quote)
  • Line Items (Use repeater if Formidable Forms Pro)

Set up the Settings

With the form now set up, navigate to Form Settings –> Sliced Invoices. Enable to create invoice or quote on form submit. Now simply choose whether the form will create an invoice or quote and map each of the field names to the fields you have just set up in the form.

Add the Form to your site

With the form setup and the fields mapped, you simply need to add the form shortcode to one of your pages in the usual way. When a client fills in your Quote Request form, a new quote (or invoice) will automatically be created with all of their details added to the quote.

quote (or invoice) will automatically be sent to the client if 'send to client' option will set be set to 'yes'.

If the email address that the client fills in is not already linked to a client, the plugin will automatically create a new client with this email.

You can also set up confirmations and notifications as per normal in the Formidable Forms Or Formidable Forms Pro settings.

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