Generate google xml sitemap, and display HTML Sitemap for you site, include all pages, all posts in each categories -- with category name
עודכן לאחרונה
June 23, 2019

Display HTML Sitemap for you site, include all pages, all posts in each categories, show all posts under their category name.

It is very easy to use, what you need to do is just insert shortcode [sitemappage] in any page or post, then html sitemap will shown in that page automatically.

Also our sitemap plugin will generate generate google xml sitemap for you automatically. Once you activated simply sitemap plugin, our plugin will generate google xml sitemap for you, then when you create / edit / delete posts / pages, Simply Sitemap plugin will generate a google xml sitemap file: "sitemap.xml" in your site root

It is great help for site SEO, automatically.

Version 1.2.0 Once plugin installed, Simply Sitemap plugin will detect do you have a google xml sitemap file in the site root folder, if no, our plugin will generate google xml sitemap automatically Followed wordpress standard to enhance plugin security Removed unnessary debug codes

Version 1.1.0 Support generate google xml sitemap When you create / edit / delete posts / pages, Simply Sitemap plugin will generate a google xml sitemap file: "sitemap.xml" in your site root

Version 1.0.0 First Version

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