Simple Tickets consists of New Ticket Form, Settings and Ticket List. With these base features you can manage each ticket and change specific fields.
עודכן לאחרונה
October 31, 2020
התקנות פעילות
Simple Tickets

Simple Tickets consists of New Ticket Form, Settings and Ticket List. With these base features you can manage each ticket and change specific fields.

SimpleTickets has been tested on WordPress 5.5.1 and PHP 7.3 Please report any errors giving the full description of the problem and include your wordpress and PHP versions, this will assist us in replicating the fault or error.

Welcome to this release of simple tickets, help desk or even project management (you decide)! the sparseness of functionality and options in the GUI is intentional to make the plugin as simple and easy to use as possible hence "Simple Ticketing".

On this update we have not changed the basic operation of your tickets or improved the interface GUI, we have upgraded the code to work with PHP 7.2 as there is a big move over to this now, and tested it on the most recent version of wordpress to check compatibility.

However, we are adding additional features so you can select how you want your ticket system set up. Obviously, the more you load into it the more complicated it becomes for others to use it so we took it back to real basics. Furthermore, if you are willing to advance your 'Simple Tickets' all you have got to do is switch on Advanced Features.

if you are interested in having options for independent users on each multisite please inform us.

Your feedback and suggestions "ARE" important therefore If you download this plugin and use it please give us feedback so we can improve this plugin for you, any wacky ideas welcome 🙂

Developers Contributions By: Mr P Grimes. Naeem Malik.

Short list of features

  • Requires Virtually no configuration!
  • Manipulate the settings for each ticket
  • No setup is necessary although fine tuning available!
  • Don't forget that we are trying to advance this plugin all the time!
  • Change the time that a user has to wait before creating a new ticket
  • Simple to follow Ticket List. you can click on a ticket to go into it
  • Can create tickets through a page or directly through the 'New Ticket' tab
  • Simple creation of new ticket from short code which you paste on any page i.e. [GBL_SMTCKS]
  • It is easy to understand and simple to follow
  • List tickets on front end GUI!
  • Create/Edit tickets so they are sticky!


  • Can be used as a Helpdesk
  • Can be used for Project Management
  • Can be used as a Ticket Support System
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