
Simple Pull Quote

The Simple Pull Quote WordPress Plugin provides an easy way for you to insert pull quotes into your posts and pages.
עודכן לאחרונה
July 6, 2019
התקנות פעילות
Simple Pull Quote

Simple Pull Quote WordPress Plugin provides an easy way for you to insert pull quotes into your posts and pages. It adds an easy-to-use "Pullquote" button to both the HTML and TinyMCE editors.

IMPORTANT: To use in the new WordPress (Gutenberg) editor, use the "Classic" block.

See the plugin in action as well as how to use it:


  1. Select the text that you want to use as your pull quote.
  2. Click on the "Pullquote" button in either the Visual or HTML editor.

    For more help on usage, visit the Simple Pull Quote Homepage for a visual guide.

How do I update the look of the pull quotes?

To change the look of your pull quotes, open your theme's "style.css" file and create a CSS class called "simplePullQuotes". Edit this class according to your tastes. IMPORTANT: Make sure your theme's "wp_head()" function comes before your theme's stylesheet or else this won't work.

How do I use more than one pull quote in a single post or page?

Simply select the text that you want to use as a pull quote and click the "Pullquote" button in either the visual or html editor.

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