Add an interactive Map in your wordpress posts based on BingMap and Silverlight
עודכן לאחרונה
May 12, 2010
התקנות פעילות

This BingMap plugin allows a smooth integration of an interactive map in your WordPress site. The administration section will offer you some parameters to customize the presentation.

Just write use the adminpanel or write a tag like : [sl-bingmaps background="transparent" width="100%" height="300" NavigationVisibility="1" CopyrightVisibility="1" LogoVisibility="1" ScaleVisibility="1" ZoomLevel="5" Mode="Aerial" StartLocation="48.8756271_2.3493838" Pushpin="48.8756271_2.3493838" Culture="fr_FR"]

The plugin offers the following features:

* Width and Height customization - percent value are possible //width=400 or 100% * Display navigation menu or not //NavigationVisibility="1" * Display copyright in the map or not //CopyrightVisibility="1" * Display the Bing logo or not //LogoVisibility="1" * Display Scale indication //ScaleVisibility="1" * Set the zoom level //ZoomLevel="5" * Set the display mode //Mode="Aerial" //Aerialwithlabels //road * Set camera center //StartLocation="48.8756271_2.3493838" * Set point of interest //Pushpin="48.8756271_2.3493838" * Set Culture //Culture="fr_FR"

Arbitrary section

A brief Markdown Example

<?php code(); // goes in backticks ?>
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