This is a plugin that pushes a single post or page to an external site via the REST API
עודכן לאחרונה
October 31, 2023
Shift8 Push

This is a plugin that pushes a single post or page to an external site via the REST API

Instructions for setup

  1. Generate core WordPress application user & password on the destination server. You can follow the official WordPress instructions for generating an application password.
  2. Setup plugin on your source server and configure application user & password
  3. When editing a single post or page, a "Push" button will appear to push the changes to the server.

Want to see the plugin in action?

There isn't anything to see! This is transparent API interactions from the source server to the destination server.


  • Fully pushes all content of a single post or page from your source server (i.e. staging) to the destination server (i.e. production)
  • If the page or post doesnt exist, it will create it and clone the slug
  • If the page or post exists, it will overwrite the content with the source server.
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