
Scroll popup html content ads

This plugin allows you to build and show a scrolling popup using HTML div. You can locate the scrolling popup in a corner of a web page.
עודכן לאחרונה
October 29, 2023
התקנות פעילות
Scroll popup html content ads

This Scroll popup html content ads WordPress plugin allows you to build and show a scrolling pop up using HTML div.

Check official website for live demo

This Scroll popup html content ads WordPress plugin allows you to build and show a scrolling pop up using HTML div. You can locate the scrolling pop up in a corner of a web page and choose the scrolling direction (i.e., left-to-right or top-down). and we have separate content management page to manage the popup content. using this plugin we can show our ads and special information to the user. this is the unblock-able popup and tested on IE and Mozilla.

Features of this plugin

  • Simple popup plugin.
  • Easy customization.
  • Scrollable popup effect.
  • Session option to display popup once per session.

Click here to see detail information about this plugin.

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