This plugin allows scheduling small elements of HTML or text with various options, and reusing of those elements wherever you want.
עודכן לאחרונה
September 13, 2011
התקנות פעילות

Sometimes, you want to adminster something and have it show up when you want it, and disappear when you want it. You can schedule a post, but you can't schedule a widget… But, not only does this widget allow itself to be scheduled both to turn on and off at specific dates, you can have multiple scheduled items within a single element. That is, you can set a a hyper-linked image to show from June 13th to July 2nd, and then have another element from July 3rd to August 8th. Or, you can change the display method, and overlap them. All items in the range will show. Or, select a random item within the specified date range (which could be used for, say, an ad-rotator type application). If you have any date-sensitive information, and don't want to have to babysit your data, this will be useful. Simply configure an element, set items with date ranges, and forget about the rest.

Shows a small input button to edit your content while you are logged in. Security is somewhat configurable, including heightened security for individual items.

  • Multiple Items using XML file storage in plugin directory
  • Item Titles
  • To/From Dates
  • Multiple Display Methods
  • Automatic Date Matching, including Default Items
  • Supports Widgets or Shortcodes ([scheduled id='xxx'] in a post)
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התקנות פעילות
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