
RKP Awesome Placeholder

This is awesome placeholder plugins. This plugins automatically animate and back type writing effect your placeholder.
עודכן לאחרונה
December 17, 2014

This is awesome placeholder plugins. This plugins automatically animate and back type writing effect your placeholder.

Compititable with all browser and contact form 7. But need to put placeholder before placeholder text in contact form 7. like [text text-948 placeholder "This is placeholder text"]

Features: 1. Placeholder text fade backward. 2. All browser support. 3. Very lightweight plugins only 3KB. 4. Contact form 7 supported.

You can see demo here DEMO

If you like this plugin please leave your ratings.

A brief Markdown Example

Ordered list:

  1. Placeholder text fade backward.
  2. All browser support.
  3. Very lightweight plugins only 3KB.
  4. Contact form 7 supported.
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