
Reported Comments

Reported Comments gives the ability for your sites user to report/flag a comment
עודכן לאחרונה
May 12, 2020

Reported Comments gives the ability for your sites user to report/flag a comment It allows you as an administrator or moderator some essential options to specify : * The moderator Email * The report labels/types * The Email title * The Email template body (allowing HTML)

In the E-Mail title and body you can use shortcodes/modifiers like : * %comment% : The comment content * %comment_link% : The URL to the comment * %comment_author% : The comment author * %comment_author_email% : The email of the comment author * %comment_author_link% : The URL to the comment author * %comment_author_ip% : The IP of the comment author * %comment_action_trash% : The link to trash the comment * %comment_action_spam% : The link to spam the comment * %report_type% : The report type * %report_author% : The report author * %report_author_link% : The URL to the report author * %post% : The post name

Your suggestions are welcome

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