
Remove Taxonomy Url

This is a purpose-oriented plugin that simply remove the taxonomy slugs from URL.
עודכן לאחרונה
October 27, 2023
התקנות פעילות
Remove Taxonomy Url

Permalinks, as the name suggests, are permanent links to pages or posts, categories or tags on your website which makes it easier for your visitors and search engines to navigate around your website.

How many times have you closed a website or not bookmarked it because the URL looked fishy? Plenty of times, isn’t it? There is something about long URLs with weird numbers and characters that make you not want to look at them. Custom Permalinks can change that notion. WordPress has the option to create short, clear, simple, and to-the-point permalinks so that your URLs look professional along with your website.

But there is also a limit in WordPress and that's when this plugin comes into the play. By using this plugin, you can simplify the permalinks further by removing the base slugs.

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