This plugin allows the user to quickly & easily embed a Prezi in WordPress site by directly implementing the published iframe embed code.
עודכן לאחרונה
December 11, 2016
התקנות פעילות

This plugin, like most things useful, grew out of a need. I had a Prezi and I had a WordPress blog. I Googled for a few hours, trying to find a way to embed one within the other, and found some dirty hacks that ended up not working, as well as a plugin or two that didn't work, or only half worked. When I realized that there were no good solutions for this issue, I decided to create one.

This plugin is based on simplicity, making it extremely robust. On the back end, it is actually only a few lines of code. It takes the embed code that Prezi provides when clicking the share option through their site and simply inserts the necessary values that are needed to render a working Prezi.

I hope that you all find this plugin as useful as I have!

If this plugin has been helpful, please take a moment to rate it!

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