Quickly and easily add Font Awesome icons to your custom post types.
עודכן לאחרונה
April 25, 2014
התקנות פעילות
Post Type Icons

Does the pushpin not describe your custom post type? Here are hundreds more icons to choose from. Icons are the GPL-compatible Font Awesome Icons.

This is the same icon features that comes with SuperCPT 0.2+, but pulled out of the plugin for those crazy birds who don't use it.

This adds a function you can use, pti_set_post_type_icon( $post_type, $icon ); to set your post type's icon. For instance, pti_set_post_type_icon( 'event', 'calendar' );. You can also set the global variable $pti_icons as an array of post type => icon names. Using the global variable is safer, since it doesn't rely on a function (you could of course call if ( function_exists( 'pti_set_post_type_icons' ) ) to be equally safe using the function).

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