Post Lock prevents accidental updating or publishing of content by requiring a password to do either.
עודכן לאחרונה
August 13, 2016
התקנות פעילות
Post Lock

It's way too easy to accidentally publish or update a post on WordPress.

Post Lock prevents accidental updating or publishing of content by requiring a password to do either.

  • Adds a layer of protection without adding a headache: unlocking a post is a seamless experience and takes a few seconds.
  • Works on all post types (you can easily exclude or include post types with a plugin filter).
  • Simple, solid code.
  • If a post is unlocked, and two beats of the WordPress Heartbeat API happen without action (which is usally 30 seconds, 15 per beat), then the post is re-locked.
  • Numerous plugin filters make it easy to customize the plugin.
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