
PJ jQuery UI Helper

Plugin to incorporate jQuery UI in posts and pages using shortcodes.
עודכן לאחרונה
April 21, 2015
התקנות פעילות
PJ jQuery UI Helper

This plugin allows you to use jQuery UI's widgets with a simple to advanced shortcode in your pages or posts.

Here is a list of the current widgets and their corresponding shortcodes:

  • Dialog – Used with [pjjuh-dialog]contents[/pjjuh-tab] to create a button where the shortcode is inserted that will open a dialog with the contents of the tag (or you can set an attribute of page to a title of one of the pages on your site to load the contents of that page into the dialog that is opened from pressing the button). For more information on how to use this please visit my site.
  • Tabs – Used with [pjjuh-tab-group] and then [pjjuh-tab title="tab-title"]contents[/pjjuh-tab] to create a tab with the title "tab-title" that contains the contents specified. For more information on how to use this please visit my site.
  • Accordion – Used with [pjjuh-accordion] and then [pjjuh-acc-section title="section-title"]contents[/pjjuh-acc-section] to create a section with the title "section-title" that contains the contents specified. For more information on how to use this please visit my site.

Widgets I hope to add in the near future are:

  • Tooltips

I also hope to allow more variations for the widgets in the near future.

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