
PayFlexi Installment Payment Plans for Gravity Forms

PayFlexi payment plans plugin for Gravity Forms Addon is a payment option that lets your customers to spread the amount of payment into several instal …
עודכן לאחרונה
February 10, 2022
התקנות פעילות
PayFlexi Installment Payment Plans for Gravity Forms

PayFlexi payment plans plugin for Gravity Forms Addon is a payment option that lets your customers to spread the amount of payment into several installments.


  • Accept one-time payment or installment payment from your customers.
  • Let customers customize plans within the limits that you set.
  • Set the minimum amount to enable for installment payment.
  • Set the minimum amount to enable for weekly or monthly installment payment.
  • Accept payments via your existing payment processor and get paid instantly.
  • Manage and view all payment schedules from your dedicated merchant dashboard.
  • Customers have access to dedicated dashboard for managing their payment schedules.

With PayFlexi, you can bring your existing payment processor to accept payment. We currently support;

  • Stripe
  • PayStack
  • Flutterwave

New Payment Gateways will be added regularly. If there is a Payment Gateway that you need urgently or a feature missing that you think we must add, get in touch with us and we will consider it.

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