
Optimize Website – Load files where required.

A very simple plugin to optimize your website by remove unused files and allow you to add page specific CSS code
עודכן לאחרונה
September 27, 2023
התקנות פעילות
Optimize Website – Load files where required.

WP Optimize Site plugin have provided an options to optimize your website by remove unused files and allow you to add page specific CSS code & file. Our plugin will help to reduce number of server requests and increase the website speed.


  • Don't allow to load embded.js
  • Don't allow to load jquery.migrate.min.js
  • Don't allow to load comment-reply.min.js
  • Don't allow to add generator tags
  • Allow to add page specific CSS
  • Allow to add page specific JS/CSS files

Note: If you are using any cache plugin on your website then please clear site cache after enable/update plugin settings

Please don't forget to leave your valuable feedback and suggestions to make our plugin much better compare to other plugin.

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