
Nuttifox Support

Nuttifox Support gives WordPress owners direct access to a specialist WordPress support agency.
עודכן לאחרונה
March 13, 2018
Nuttifox Support

Developed for Nuttifox clients the plugin has been expanded to allow any WordPress owner direct access to an affordable development support team, who can quick advise or resolve any technical issues with your WordPress website.

Each task is scoped and priced on a fixed cost basis. Members of the WPGO WordPress Support plans can simply request the work be completed as part of their membership.

For backwards compatibility, if this section is missing, the full length of the short description will be used, and Markdown parsed.

3rd Party software

In order to be able to provide the best service to our users we use a 3rd party SDK, to allow plugin users to live chat with Nuttifox support agents in realtime.

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