
N-Media MailChimp Subscription

This plugin pulls all List, variables and groups from Mailchimp account then allow you to create subscription form using Form Wizard Tool.
עודכן לאחרונה
March 16, 2021
התקנות פעילות
N-Media MailChimp Subscription

Mailchimp Subscription is simple plugin to render Subscription Forms on your WordPress Blog/Site. It pulls all Mailchimp Lists from your Account and allow admin to create Forms using Vars and Interest Group with Awesome AngularJS based Admin panel.


  • Create list variables
  • Create list Interest Groups
  • Visual form designer
  • Groups choices on front end
  • Create unlimited subscription forms using Form Wizard Tool
  • Use shortcodes in Post/Pages
  • Widget support
  • Pre append text on Widgets
  • Write your own Style/CSS
  • Multilingual Support
  • Create Popups
  • AngularJS Based Admin

How it works (Pro Version)

PRO Version

Now you can create Mailchimp Campaigns using WordPress Posts/Pages. In few click Newsletter is ready to send to any List. * Create Campaigns using Post/Pages contents * Create your own Template with Custom Header (image, HTML) and Footer (HTML) * Test campaigns before you send it. * Campaign graphical reports * Delete campaigns

More detail


  • Bug fixed: JS related infected files removed


  • Bug fixed: Major bug fixed: Subscription were not working, now it's fixed

5.3 December 5, 2017

  • Bug fixed: Subscription forms were not created.

5.4 July 20, 2018

  • Features: Option to add user consent for GDPR in subscription form
  • Bug fixed: Some warnings removed
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