Create multiple customized menus with pages, posts, categories, and URLS; widget and template tag.
עודכן לאחרונה
April 28, 2010
התקנות פעילות

Create multiple customized menus with pages, posts, categories, and URLS. For CMS applications of WordPress, organizing a menu list is a pain; this makes it easier. Drag and drop them until you like what you see. No hacks or finicky 'Page Order' methods need apply.


  1. Configure your lists from the Menus Plus+ option page at 'Appearance > Menus Plus+'
  2. Create some Menus Plus+ widgets via 'Appearance > Widgets'
  3. Or use the template tag:
    1. Place <?php menusplus(); ?> in your template … wherever you want it.
    2. If you have multiple lists, use the <?php menusplus(#); ?> tag provided on the configuration page.
  4. Or use the shortcode:
    1. [menusplus menu="#"]


  1. Combine pages, posts, categories, and URLs together in unprecedented harmony.
  2. Use a Widget, template tag, or chortcode. Your choice.
  3. Create 'hyrbrid' submenus; mixing an matching for the perfect dropdown.
  4. Choose to display children on a per-item basis
  5. Create as many lists as you want!
  6. Dedicated 'Home Page' option
  7. Optional class assignment for URLs/Posts/Hybrids/Home
  8. Supports 'My Page Order' and 'My Category Order'
  9. Configure the depth of category and page children
  10. Fun to drag and drop!


For any issues you're having with Menus Plus+, or if you'd like to suggest a feature, visit the Plugin Homepage.

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