MapMap is a Google Map Wizard. Easy to use map generator for your content, widget or template. Enable to use multiple maps in one page and as popup.
עודכן לאחרונה
April 7, 2022

MapMap is easy to use Google Map wizard. It's perfect for general users. MapMap features:

  1. Shortcode base
  2. Easy to use map wizard
  3. Multiple maps in one page
  4. Use custom marker
  5. Info window title and description
  6. Auto detect zoom, map type and other Google Map settings
  7. Option to load Google Maps API in footer or inside head tag
  8. Option to load Google Maps API in specific page or all pages
  9. Edit existing map configuration without editing shortcode
  10. MapMap as popup window (next release)
  11. Option to remove or keep database records when deactivate the plugin
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