The smallest cache plugin ever released (but still greatly efficient).
עודכן לאחרונה
August 23, 2014
התקנות פעילות

New! The Lite Cache technology is now part of Hyper Cache. You should migrate to Hyper Cache, Lite Cache won't be update anymore (other than important fixes).

Lite Cache is an ultra efficient cache plugin. It's small and lite because it does only one thing: caching.

Lite Cache is compatible with gzip compression and handles it automatically.

Lite Cache can detect mobile devices and use a different theme for them creating a separate cache.

Lite Cache works even with commenters, people who left a comment in the past. Other caching plugin usually are not able to serve cached content to commenters creating performance issues on higly partecipative blogs.

Usage of .htaccess rules is possible using the code generated inside the administrative panel (but pay attention that a too much complex .htaccess seems to slow down more than serving cached pages via PHP).

Install it and go to the options panel to find how to configure it.

Lite Cache official page:

Lite Cache official forum:


  • Russian by Artnikov

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