[ADOPT ME!] Linkmarklet is an alternative to the Press This! bookmarklet aimed at rapid linkblogging. Quickly post while saving a link to a Custom Fie …
עודכן לאחרונה
May 1, 2015
התקנות פעילות

ADOPT ME! Press This! was completely revamped in WordPres 4.2 and as such I will be focusing any effort that may have been put into Linkmarklet into that feature. As a result I am actively seeking someone to take over development of Linkmarklet. Thank you for considering!

Instead of the traditional Press This! interface, Linkmarklet offers a much more streamlined UI allowing you to linkblog quickly. Upon clicking the bookmarklet, Linkmarklet will present you with a simple way of editing the page title, the page link, the page slug, and the post content. In the settings you can define three things:

  1. The category to which Linkmarklet posts will be added
  2. The Custom Field name you're using to store the submitted link
  3. The Post Format you would like to use for each post
  4. Whether or not to Future Post the current post and by how many minutes compared to your future-most scheduled post

That's about it. Clicking Publish pushes the entry live instantly (or schedules it). Clicking Save will store the post as a Draft.

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