WordPress plugin that allows for creation of interactive site launch checklist items.
עודכן לאחרונה
December 18, 2023
התקנות פעילות

When launching your site there are usually a series of things you do before you "go live" to validate your site is ready to go. This plugin provides an interface for managing that checklist through the WordPress UI.

The plugin integrates with The A11Y Project and will pull a list of current accessibility tests to check against. The way to add those extra items is through the settings page for the plugin. This feature uses the jsdelivr service for fetching the data. You must agree to the jsdelivr terms to use that feature.

חינםבתוכנית Creator
בביצוע ההתקנה, אנחנו מקבלים את הסכמתך לתנאי השירות של WordPress.com ולתנאים של התוסף של הצד השלישי.
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