Displays bibliographic metadata both for humans and computers.
עודכן לאחרונה
April 7, 2016
התקנות פעילות

This plugin displays who, what and when information about a blog and its posts; it provides widgets which readers can see, as well as a computational representation that allows computers to extract the same information. This provides greater clarity on who posts are written by, and how they should be cited. Readers can download the citation as a BibTeX file. Another widget provides deep links through to Web Archives, allowing readers to check old versions of posts.

It is part of the Knowledgeblog project (http://knowledgeblog.org), which is developing plugins to improve WordPress as a tool for academic publishing, either for individual authors, or for conferences and workshops publishing proceedings to the web. As well as this file, additional documentation is available at process.

It is often useful to embed bibliographic metadata, describing the author(s), title and publication date into a web page. There are a variety of different ways of doing this, described in a variety of different specifications and/or standards. These vary widely in their formality, uptake and age, as well as clarity with which the specification is written.

The practical upshot of this is that automatic capture of metadata which enables tools such as Greycite (http://greycite.knowledgeblog.org) and various bibliographic software to work is a somewhat ad hoc affair. Sometimes it works, sometimes it does not. Rather than requiring users to add a separate plugin for each of these specifications, kblog-metadata takes the approach of adding metadata in as many formats as possible, in the hope that, for any tool, at least one will work.

Kblog Metadata enhances the ability of WordPress to expose and edit bibliographic metadata of academic posts. It consists of a number of pieces of functionality

  • kblog-headers — adds invisible metadata
  • kblog-authors — allows multiple authors, without requring WordPress accounts
  • kblog-table-of-contents — displays all posts in a variety of formats.
  • kblog-title — set container titles ("blogname") per post or using a custom taxonomy.
  • kblog-boilerplate — displays citation information as widget or in post content
  • kblog-download — downloaded bib or other formats for posts
  • kblog-archive — widget to display web archives

We will include new formats or specifications where possible, so long as they are not too computationally intensive. Please send email to the mailing list if you are interested in a new format.

Kblog Headers

There are many tools to which academics may want to advertise their work. We currently support three independent standards which are:

  1. COinS (http://ocoins.info).
  2. Meta tags as suggested by Google Scholar.
  3. Open Graph Protocol (http://ogp.me)

These will be automatically added to add pages and posts on installation of the plugin. The metadata is taken either from the user profile, the WordPress metadata, or from Kblog Author metadata.

Kblog Table of Contents

The table of contents functionality comes in two forms: one designed for embedding in an existing page, and one for computational consumption. To add a table of contents to a page add a "shortcode" to your post contents.


Additionally, it is also possible to retrieve a simple HTML or plain text representation of the table of contents from (http://blogurl/?kblog-toc=txt) or (http://blogurl/?kblog-toc=html). Author information comes from Kblog Author.

You can specify the default category for the table of contents from the Settings Menu, or accept the default which is to show them all.

Kblog Authors

Academic writing is more often multi-author than not, yet this is poorly supported within WordPress. While there are existing co-author plugins these often require assigning multiple user accounts, one per author, even though many authors will never login to WordPress. Within Kblog Authors you can add "display authors", totally independently from WordPress accounts. They will appear on Kblog Table of Contents and in metadata generated by Kblog Headers.

Authors can be added either on the "Edit Post" page of WordPress, or through the use of an [author] shortcode within the document content. Authors specified within the post content take precedence.

Kblog Title

Authors may wish to alter the apparent title of their blog for a post or a group of posts. For example, I may wish to publish a paper that I have written for a conference on my own blog, but wish the metadata to refer to the conference. Alternatively, as with bio-ontologies I may wish to host multiple meetings on a single website (one per year, for instance), and have the year, or meeting number, appear in the metadata. Kblog Title allows both of these uses, by allowing the user to set the container name ("blogname") either for an individual post, or using an Event tag.


kblog-metadata includes the HumanNameParser from Jason Priem (http://jasonpriem.org/human-name-parse/) which is licensed under the MIT License.

זכויות יוצרים

This plugin is copyright Phillip Lord, Newcastle University and is licensed under GPLv2.

חינםבתוכנית Creator
בביצוע ההתקנה, אנחנו מקבלים את הסכמתך לתנאי השירות של WordPress.com ולתנאים של התוסף של הצד השלישי.
התקנות פעילות
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