
Include Content By Shortcode

This plugin allows to add single content in multiple posts and pages by a shortcode. It is used to fulfill the concept of PHP's 'include&#03 …
עודכן לאחרונה
December 13, 2020
התקנות פעילות
Include Content By Shortcode

This plugin allows the user to add single content in multiple posts and pages by means of a shortcode. It is used to fulfill the concept of PHP's 'include' function. It can add HTML, CSS and JS also by using just a simple shortcode. For example, my brand's tagline, "The Best Of Its Kind" set to be used on various pages and posts, I would add that in Included Content and it will generate a shortcode against this content. This generated shortcode will now be placed everywhere I want to add my tagline. While adding the content, CSS and JS may also be added which will be included along with the HTML content, wherever the shortcode will be pasted. Now in future, if I would change my tagline, I would need to change it only in Included Content and it will change it everywhere the shortcode was used.

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