Simple customisable plugin that makes changing image ALT tags, easy and effortless work.
עודכן לאחרונה
July 15, 2015
התקנות פעילות

This is a simple plugin that allows you to modify your websites image alt tags in a matter of seconds.

This plugin can be used to change all image tags including ones that are generated with ohter plugins or shortcodes.

You can find plugins settings page in your admin menu dashboard in "Settings" -> IMG ALT TAGER section.

This plugin does not destroy your old ALT tags by deactivating plugin you will restore your old ALT tags.

I developed this plugin as I could not find any plugin that simply allows users to change all of the image tags on users website with a single click.

If you liked my simple, but useful plugin please share some love with me and donate 🙂

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