Fully free design editor to create, stylize and animate icons and other website graphics to your taste.
עודכן לאחרונה
January 4, 2019
התקנות פעילות
Icons Factory

IconsFactory is a fully free design editor to create, stylize and animate icons, stickers, post images and other scalable graphics. You can use this visual content anywhere on your site and beyond without special licensing.

How to use it – Select an image in the plugin library. – Repaint it by using built-in Material color picker tool. – Change the design settings. – Animate your icon if needs. – Use the result as the classic shortcode or save it in the WP Media Library as a PNG image or save a preset to use it with Visual Composer or download the result to your desktop to use it in any business purposes.

Short video demosUsage with Visual Composer. Content composition examplesHow to make a content block from scratchUsage with the classic shortcode and Gutenberg blocksUsage with User presetsExport images

Addtional features of the Factory: – System of User Presets. – Opportunity to upload external SVG images and external image collections. A guide included. – Pure CSS animation. – Small JS script to start animation when the content scrolls into view. – Visual Composer integration. – Support by the developer.

Important note! If you want to use complex effects with overlays and soft shadows or your site has very high-traffic: – Save any results in the PNG format in the Media library instead of shortcodes. It's a zero load on your website.

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