This plugin integrates Hopewiser services including Address Lookup and AutoComplete in WordPress and WooCommerce.
עודכן לאחרונה
March 21, 2023
התקנות פעילות
Hopewiser Address Lookup

Hopewiser’s Address Lookup integrates seamlessly into WordPress using our quick and easy plugin. Works with WooCommerce, Contact Form 7, and Gravity Forms.

Quickly autofill and capture validated addresses as they are entered into the system saving keystrokes and improving accuracy. Reduce the risk of people not going through with a sign up/registration process by increasing the speed and simplicity of the form completion.

In WordPress, you can simply add our shortcodes into any page or post to have our Address Lookup and AutoComplete solution integrated.

The WooCommerce plugin enables you to autocomplete and match addresses in both the billing and shipping address sections.

To use this functionality, you will need an Address Lookup service account and a ‘live’ click bundle. To buy clicks you will need to purchase from the Shop located on our website. Register/sign in to the website portal here

• No More Failed Deliveries Accurate address validation using the best available data such as the Royal Mail PAF and the Australia Post's Postal Address File & GNAF will significantly reduce failed deliveries and customer complaints. Even if you ship internationally using our international data.

• Great User Experience With real time address lookup there will be an increase in the usability of the site leading to increased customer satisfaction and experience, boosting customer loyalty to your brand.

• Reduces Cart Abandonment Most shoppers will abandon a cart if a checkout process is too complicated. Validating at the point of entry will reduce keystrokes, leading to a speedier and happier user experience.

• Reporting This service is accessed via a simple to use Portal which includes a powerful Management Tool showing detailed reporting of usage.

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