
Hello24 – Order on Chat, Abandoned cart recovery & Marketing Automation

Gain 5X more revenue by Abandoned cart recovery, Add Chat Button, Marketing automation, Resell/Upsell/Cross-sell using Whatsapp API
עודכן לאחרונה
November 10, 2023
התקנות פעילות
Hello24 – Order on Chat, Abandoned cart recovery & Marketing Automation

We are a conversational commerce platform that can help online brands to engage customers on WhatsApp. We have sophisticated customer journeys that help you get better marketing ROI and higher sales.

Add ‘WhatsApp Business API’ Number and enable one-click chat button on your site to let your website visitors contact you with a single click.

Our platform enables companies to 1. Sell their products through Whatsapp 24/7 through commerce-bots 2. Send out marketing campaigns on WhatsApp to unlimited customers; Get 5x better ROI than Google/Facebook Ads 3. Automate up to 90% of customer support queries and reduce support cost

Visit Site | Demo | Woocommerce Page

Our platform offers deep integrations with WooCommerce, & Payment gateways as well.

How does it really work?

We help improve your major customer touchpoints such purchase cycle, customer suppport and marketing.

Purchase cycle:

  • Share products and take orders on WhatsApp (complete purchase flow on WhatsApp)
  • Abandoned cart recovery with 'Pay on WhatsApp' feature
  • Smart COD to prepaid conversion for markets where COD is prevalent
  • Up-sell, Cross-Sell & Re-sell automation – Engage your customers post their purchase at the right time to improve customer lifetime value.
  • Order, Shipment notifications to keep your customers well informed about their orders
  • Chatbot AI Builder for Whatsapp

Marketing Automation

  • Segment your customers based attributes
  • Design interactive marketing templates
  • Send marketing cmapaings to all your customers!

Customer support

  • Our ecommerce chatbots help you to automate top customer queries and enable you to save big on customer queries.
  • Our platform has prebuilt support automation modules for qureies such as :
    • Order status automation – Where is my order/When will I get my product?
    • Order cancellation – Could you cancel my order/I didn't need the items anymore, cancel it.

Applying for WhatsApp Official APIs

To apply for WhatsApp Official APIs, you must have the below details –

  • WhatsApp Phone Number
  • Business Display Name
  • Facebook Business Manager ID

You can fill in your business details using this link. Our team will reach out to you and help you with the WhatsApp API registration.


Write to us at

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