
Gravity Forms Eway

Easily create online payment forms with Gravity Forms and Eway.
עודכן לאחרונה
March 17, 2024
התקנות פעילות
Gravity Forms Eway

Gravity Forms Eway integrates the Eway credit card payment gateway with Gravity Forms advanced form builder, using Eway's Rapid API Direct Payments and Recurring Payments XML API.

  • build online donation forms
  • build online booking forms
  • build simple Buy Now forms
  • accept recurring payments (Australian merchants only; see FAQ)

NB: this plugin extends Gravity Forms; you still need to install and activate Gravity Forms!

Go Pro and access these additional features:

  • record entry even when transaction fails
  • use Responsive Shared Page, no need for SSL certificate on standard payments
  • create complex forms with feeds mapping fields to Eway
  • create token payment customers
  • remember customer cards using tokens
  • send shipping addresses to Eway
  • use sophisticated conditional logic
  • mix multiple currencies on one website
  • mix multiple Eway accounts on one website


Thanks for sponsoring new features on Gravity Forms Eway!


If you'd like to help out by translating this plugin, please sign up for an account and dig in.



Information gathered for processing a credit card transaction is transmitted to Eway for processing, and in turn, Eway passes that information on to your bank. Please review Eway's Privacy Policy for information about how that affects your website's privacy policy. By using this plugin, you are agreeing to the terms of use for Eway.

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