
Formidable Forms Modal

Popup addon for Formidable Forms.Create beautiful popups using Formidable Forms to newsletters, login, registration forms.
עודכן לאחרונה
November 8, 2023
התקנות פעילות

Formidable Forms Popup allows you to show any Formidable Forms in Modal/Popup. You can create beautiful popups with live preview in customizer. It allows you add add content before & after the form in popup. Popup can be triggered by click or can be opened on page load using the shortocde.

Features: * Option to set Overlay color * Option to set Overlay opacity * Option to set Popup Container opacity * Option to set Popup Container background color * Option to set Popup Container Padding * Option to set Popup Container Border * Option to set Popup Container Rounded Corners * Option to set Popup Container Width * Option to set Popup Container Height

How to use it?

  • Download and unzip the plugin
  • Upload the entire formidable-forms-modal/ directory to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  • Activate the plugin through the Plugins menu in WordPress
  • Create New Modal from Formidable Modal menu in admin sidebar
  • Select & save the Formidable Form you want to open in modal.
  • Use the shortcode to add it on page.

Checkout our other plugins * Gravity Forms Sendy Addon Add user to Sendy using Gravity Forms. * Views for Contact Form 7 Display Contact Form 7 Submisions anywhere on your site in table or list view * Views for WPForms Display WPForms Entries anywhere on your site in table or list view * Views for Ninja Forms Display Ninja Forms Submisions anywhere on your site in table or list view * Popup Addon for Ninja Forms Display Ninja Forms in beautiful popups. * Ninja Forms Paypal Standard Take payments using Paypal Standard in your Ninja Forms * Ninja Forms GetResponse Addon Add user to GetResponse using Ninja Forms. * Ninja Forms iContact Addon Add user to iContact using Ninja Forms. * Ninja Forms Sendy Addon Add user to Sendy using Ninja Forms.

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