Login Embedded is a lightweight customizable plugin that allow to create a multiauthor blog without using backend but embedded light forms.
עודכן לאחרונה
January 14, 2016
התקנות פעילות
Login Embedded

Login Embedded is a lightweight customizable plugin that allow to create a multiauthor blog without using backend. (In fact it can be custom to hide backend except to admin users).

There are 2 embedded forms to be used that can be embedded in templates or pages (with shortcodes).

Login/register component This component is to be shown just to non-logged visitors, allowing to choose one of these 2 actions and showing just login or register form. This component could be customized to be shown on top of home page (exactly at the bottom of header), author templates, posts and pages, archives… If more flexibility is needed, a shortcode or function calls can be used.

Login Form: show login+password fields and a lost password recovery link. Register Form: show two fields, the first one to choose a login name and the other to explicit a login email.

Both forms manage errors and messages without using the backend.

Author card The author card shows 'private' info as login name and email if the logged in author is the same as the displayed author. The author card also allows to modify author info (login, bio…) if the logged in user is the displayed author. This form manage errors and messages without using the backend.

פקודות מקרו

[antonelf_logout_link]: Displays a logout link just if user is logged in. @param $atts['content'] if set, define message to show in logout link, otherwise __('Logout') will be shown as message [antonelf_login_register_form]: Displays the register/login template (no parameters needed). [antonelf_author_card]: Displays the Author info card (no parameters needed).

I18N For the moment English, French and Spanish versions are ready. Any help with translations will be nice!

חינםבתוכנית Creator
בביצוע ההתקנה, אנחנו מקבלים את הסכמתך לתנאי השירות של WordPress.com ולתנאים של התוסף של הצד השלישי.
התקנות פעילות
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