Embed Google Fonts tries to automatically replace registered Google Fonts from themes and plugin with local versions, directly loaded from your own se …
עודכן לאחרונה
May 2, 2024
התקנות פעילות
Embed Google Fonts

Embed Google Fonts tries to automatically replace registered Google Fonts from themes and plugins with local versions, directly loaded from your own server.

Contribute: https://github.com/moewe-io/embed-google-fonts


  • The first request might be very slow, as fonts are downloaded and cached the first time they are requested.
  • This doesn't automatically replace all your Google fonts with local versions. If a plugin/theme doesn't use WordPress wp_enqueue_style it probably won't work.
  • Loaded fonts are not optimized, means, the whole font including all subsets is loaded
  • See FAQ for instructions to use locally hosted fonts directly and avoid using Heroku

Thank you: Fonts are downloaded using: https://gwfh.mranftl.com/fonts

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