Our email verification plugin ensures you only collect valid emails by verifying them in real-time.
עודכן לאחרונה
September 23, 2023
התקנות פעילות
Email Verification

Our email verification plugin ensures you only collect valid emails by verifying them in real-time. The plugin integrates Emailable's top rated email verification API to perform email verification as users submit their email address in your form.

Our plugin works with all major WordPress Forms and plugins that use the is_email function to validate email addresses. This includes, but is not limited to:

  • WordPress’s default registration and comment forms
  • WooCommerce’s registration and checkout form
  • Gravity Forms
  • Contact Form 7
  • Ninja Forms
  • Jetpack Forms

Emailable’s verification includes:

  • Disposable Email Detection
  • Accept-All Email Detection
  • MX Record Detection
  • SMTP Provider Information
  • Misspelled Domain Detection
  • Syntax Validation
  • Domain Validation
  • SMTP Verification
  • Email Deduplication
  • Role Email Detection
  • Free Email Detection
  • Email Quality Score
  • Anti-Greylisting Technology

To use this plugin, sign up for a free Emailable account, create an API key. After your first 250 verifications you’ll have to purchase additional email verification credits.

Email verification with Emailable includes a 99%+ deliverability guarantee.

We comply with the most strict data privacy regulations such as GDPR, Privacy Shield, CCPA, LGPD, and others.

See more information about data privacy in the links below:

Emailable's Terms of Service Emailable's Privacy Policy Emailable's Data Protection Agreement Emailable's Anti-Spam Policy

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