
Easy Site Importer

Easily copy and import content from any site by spidering, scraping and then processing the text, images and meta content easily
עודכן לאחרונה
August 14, 2015
התקנות פעילות
Easy Site Importer

Easy site importer makes the process of migrating from any web site a much simpler, easy and a less time consuming process. Simply enter the URL of a site and Easy Site Importer will automatically scan the target website to find sections of the site which have content to be scraped. Specify which main HTML content block contains the main content for the site and if required an additional start and end string within this main content block.

  • Automatically scan the site to identify the main content blocks for scraping
  • Spider the site automatically to find all the pages with content
  • Filter the html to remove inline CSS, Class, Span or Div tags
  • Identify and replace hard coded absolute URLs
  • Import any images found into the media uploads directory and change the image tags
  • Import SEO title and description tags into wordpress SEO YOAST, All in One SEO Pack and Add Meta plugin
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