DeadDelete is a Wordpress Plugin that helps webmasters eliminate outdated content by trashing posts with source attribution URLs that no longer exist.
עודכן לאחרונה
January 22, 2022
התקנות פעילות

The DeadDelete Plugin for WordPress allows developers to make removing outdated content from their sites easy by allowing users to click a button that checks source URLs for 404 or 301 status codes. If the source returns a 404 the post is trashed. The same is true in cases of 301s if the final destination is known to be a destination for missing content.

DeadDelete is designed primarily for aggregators that copy content from other websites with source attribution links included. It is ideal for RSS based auto-blogs that include a large amount of content from other sources. With DeadDelete a user can click a button when they notice that an article is based on a source that no longer exists and remove your copy so that you don't have to.

חינםבתוכנית Creator
בביצוע ההתקנה, אנחנו מקבלים את הסכמתך לתנאי השירות של ולתנאים של התוסף של הצד השלישי.
התקנות פעילות
נבדקו עד