Track post view count by user and date for better insights.
עודכן לאחרונה
May 19, 2024

Countera is a lightweight and efficient plugin that helps you track and display the number of views each of your posts receives. With a simple and intuitive interface, you can monitor the popularity of your content on a per-user, per-date basis. This data can be easily exported in CSV format for further analysis and reporting.


  • View Tracking: Monitor the number of views for each post.
  • Per-User and Per-Date Tracking: View counts are tracked individually by user and date.
  • CSV Export: Easily export view count data in CSV format for further analysis.
  • Simple User Interface: User-friendly interface for viewing and managing post view counts.
  • Lightweight and Fast: Optimized for performance to ensure your site remains fast.


If you find any bug, please create a topic with a step by step description to reproduce the bug. Please search the forum before creating a new topic.


  1. View Post Counts: After activation, the plugin will start tracking views for all posts.
  2. Check Statistics: Navigate to the plugin’s admin page to see the detailed statistics of post views.
  3. Export Data: Click on the 'Export' button to download the view count data in CSV format.
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