
Child Theme Check

Warns you about outdated template files in your child theme and shows a diff view of the changes between parent and child theme template.
עודכן לאחרונה
March 24, 2024
התקנות פעילות
Child Theme Check

Child Themes are used to avoid overwriting your customizations. But if you preserve a file in a child theme, then you maybe preserve a security risk. After an update from the parent theme you always should check the changes and maybe add them to your child theme. This plugin helps you keeping track of these changes in the parent theme.

For full usage of the plugin your parent theme has to define the version of the template file in the header of the PHP file with an additional @version info.

For example: @version 1.0.0

If this is the case you will see a warning if the version of the parent theme file is higher than your child theme file. And you can see the differences between the parent theme file and the child theme file per wp_text_diff()-function like in revisions.

Some posts about this plugin:

These themes from Elmastudio are already using the @version info in the header:

  • Uku
  • Uku Light
  • Weta
  • Pukeko
  • Zeitreise
  • Werkstatt
  • Neubau
  • Hawea

Please spread the word and if you are a theme developer, please add this to your themes too! Thanks 🙂

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