
Progress Bar for Contact Form 7

A clean look progress bar for Contact Form 7 forms. Supports text, select, radio, acceptance fields. Checkboxes are not trackable, maybe available in …
עודכן לאחרונה
February 5, 2019
התקנות פעילות
Progress Bar for Contact Form 7

A clean look progress bar for Contact Form 7 forms. Supports text, select, radio, acceptance fields. Checkboxes are not trackable, maybe available in future releases.

How to use? Use shortcode

[cf7-progress-bar bar_fields="" form_name=""]

anywhere on page where form exists. Shortcode attributes (bar_fields and form_name) are necessary for progress bar.

Bar Fields:- Progress in the form is tracked by the events occuring in these fields. It's parameters include only the name of the fields separated by pipe sign (|). Example,


Form Name:- Say the name of the form in it. Example, form_name="form546".

How to find name of the form? Add html_name to contact form 7 shortcode. Example,

[contact-form-7 id="47" title="Contact form 1" html_name="form545"]

Supply this name to form_name in [cf7-progress-bar] so progress bar knows which form to track.

Other attributes:- color="#000000".This is the color of the progress bar. This is also kinda important.

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