
Cart66 Lite Advance Sales Report Lite

Cart66 Advance Sales Report Lite shows you all key sales information in one main Dashboard in very intuitive, easy to understand format which gives a …
עודכן לאחרונה
March 18, 2014
התקנות פעילות

Cart66 Advance Sales Report Lite shows you all key sales information in one main Dashboard in very intuitive, easy to understand format which gives a quick overview of your business and helps make smart decisions Sales Summary Reports like Total Order, Recent Orders, Order Status, Order Summary, Top n Products, Customers, Country, Coupons, Payment Gateway Day Wise Summary/Detail, Today, Yesterday, This Week, This Month, This Year The Key feature is that it not only shows key summary data but you can also further click on any item/data to see the respective order/sales details (data drill down) giving you more insight on respective data (this feature is available in Pro Version only) Cart66 Advance Sales Report Lite works with Cart66 latest versions and wordpress 3.8+.

The Lite version is limited to showing summary data for past one month. Purchase the paid pro versions for full access along with more features, click here for more details



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