Blackjack lets you display a simple Blackjack game to your readers.
עודכן לאחרונה
August 1, 2017
התקנות פעילות

Blackjack is a quick and easy plugin to present an attractive Blackjack game to your readers. It is based on HTML5/jQuery, and the whole game is played on your reader's browser. Your server is gets no extra load, nor is anything stored in your database.

See a live demo.


  1. No setup required.
  2. Just insert a shortcode on any post/page to present an attractive Blackjack game.
  3. Works without any additional server load — all the work is done on your readers' machine.
  4. Detailed help on the admin page.
  5. Internationalized admin page.
  6. Properly scoped style sheet.

גרסת PRO

A pro version of this plugin is available with the following added features:

  1. Fancier colors and borders.
  2. Sticky bet — the game remembers your bets.
  3. More accurate bets and payouts — A hand cannot be dealt without placing a bet, 3 to 2 payout on Blackjack.
  4. Strategy hints on each hand, to teach your reader how to play the game.
  5. Other features related to simulation, winnings accumulation etc. that you can sell to your readers to make extra revenue (Work in Progress).
  6. In-app purchase of chips with configurable pricing (Work in Progress).


  • Blackjack is based on [Tony Spiro's Blackjack] ( "Blackjack").
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